Friday, March 19, 2010

The Ole Quick and Simple Bodyweight Workout You Can Do Anywhere

The Ole Quick and Simple

This is a great little workout that will work your entire body, build strength, endurance, flexibility, speed, and boost your cardio!

The key is to keep moving, if you feel like you have to stop during the workout then cut the number of reps in half.

20 jumping jacks
20 scissor jacks
20 alternating forward lunges
10 judo pushups
15 lateral lunges each leg
10 spider pushups
10 4 count mountain climbers
20 tuck jumps
20 alternating reverse lunges
15 one legged bridges each leg
10 judo pushups
10 spider pushups
10 T-pushups with a kick
20 alternating forward lunges
10 V-ups
20 windshield wipers
30 cherry pickers
10 prison push ups
20 scissor jacks
10 4 count mountain climbers


3 sets of 20 burpees for time

If you want more intensity hit it again for time. This is a great "Road Warrior Workout" for those of you out there going from place to place with "no where to train".

Stretch it out with some down dog and cobra aka lazy judo push ups, do some hip circles and whatever else feels necessary and you're done

All of the above listed exercises can be found here

and here

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